Monday, February 25, 2008


Yesterday morning it was like spring. The snow was melting, I could almost hear the water seeping into Mother Earth, soaking around the roots of the trees and bulbs, waking them up. Several hours later, when we came out of church it was cold again. When I went upstairs to change clothes I looked at this winger scene.

The bed, all dressed for winter with the Christmas pillows and bears in residence.

Am I unwittingly keeping winter here, like the groundhog, who sees his shadow and prolongs winter by six weeks?


Cindy Price said...

No, it's NOT you!! Oh, to have such power!!!

Anonymous said...

I mentioned you in my blog... ;-)

whirligigdaisy said...

Well, at least now we have someone to blame! Just kidding.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

love the bears they are just too cute...
somehow i doubt that they have much to do with the continuation of winter...
Ohhh Lynne, i ment to clear something up on my blog, the water lilys when i refer to the pigs ...LOL i ment my fish! if you get a chance check out a few older posts and see the PIGS i have 6 HUGE koi 2 HUGE gold fish and one mixed fish that was born in the pond and they LOVE to eat the roots and stems and leaves on the plants especially when the plants are young. it is funny to hear them as they actually sound like pigs sucking the roots in!

anyway i hope idid not cause confusion with my nickname for the fish LOL

HUGS Laura

Anonymous said...

So all this ice and snow this winter is YOUR fault??? How nice is that?? Not nice at all! Ditch the winter dressed out bed!

Kathy said...

I love your bears! I fixed my bedroom all up in spring attire this weekend. It didn't work.... Storms all day Sunday.

C.C. said...

Hmmm...maybe it's time to decorate the bed with bunnies? I wore a pastel, light-weight shirt yesterday to try to fight off the winter blues...didn't work. Soon, though, spring'll be here soon!

Astromom said...

I love how you've decorated your bed, if I could make my bed look that cute I'd keep it that way all summer too

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that you took the bears off you bed and it is so warm that my child thinks wearing capri's to school is alright. I'm just saying... Maybe you DO control the weather? yfc