Thank you, Boyd, greatest home teacher in the world, for the wonderful blooms.
PS Remember how the blooms stretched toward the sun? That's what I want to do too--only it is spelled "Son." I want to stretch toward the Light of Christ and be bathed in his goodness. Then my growth will be just like the Amaryllis. Even if I don't bloom, like that one might not, it will be worth it. I will be better, more complete, at peace.
PS Remember how the blooms stretched toward the sun? That's what I want to do too--only it is spelled "Son." I want to stretch toward the Light of Christ and be bathed in his goodness. Then my growth will be just like the Amaryllis. Even if I don't bloom, like that one might not, it will be worth it. I will be better, more complete, at peace.
Beautiful flowers, beautiful post.
Love the flowers~ I am in Awe of God's ability to take a tiny seed and make it grow and grow and then to put these amazing colorful soft facinating things of beauty on them for me to be amazed at!
Thank you for the comments and compliments on my blog. pictures say more than words many times... at least for me:-)
We actually live 3 hours or more from the beach but, on occasion the hurricanes arms will easily reach us and dump alot of rain on us. Most of the time we are very dry here in Georgia in fact this past year 07 we ended the year 16 inches short... so far 08 has been stellar for rain and we are close to the so called normal rain fall LOL.
I will be going through some more pics i have taken and be posting them if you like the frogs and flowers i have MANY more that i really like.
Again thank you for visiting I enjoy your blog each day!
HUGS Laura
Lynne this was awesome, like a national geographic or David Suzuki documentary. I have finally put away the 4 clocks that did not work so I laughed and laughed. And I was just talking about keeping stuff!
Anyway as usual you brightened me day and I have to tell you there is no need for improvement in you, you are you and you are you because you are you and so we wouldn't want you to be any different. Because if you were you wouldn't be you!
I love those flowers. We had some outside our old apartment but nobody took care of them so they were such a mess!
I also want to reach toward the Son. Thanks for the analogy.
I got an Amaryllis from a friend for Christmas in 2006. I love to watch it grow everyday! Amazing how fast it grows, like you could almost see it. I planted the bulb outside and it hasn't flowered yet, doesn't look like it will. :(
There is so much for us to learn from nature, like reaching for the "son". Thanks for sharing.
Is the pink amaryllis from this year? I have two amaryllis that have been blooming now for 10 - 15 years. The only thing is that they are now both red, and I KNOW one of them was either pink or white. I wonder if all amaryllis go back to red???
Beautiful pics, Lynn!
Those grew very nicely. Hey, I saw that Dawn answered one ofyour comments on "Because I said so". Now you're famous!
Aren't they something!!!!!! I love having them in my home. One of God's little gifts to us:D
Everyone needs a non-working clock that we keep for sentimental reasons. I think it is miracloulous (sp?) how you have keep these bulbs producing beautiful flowers over years of time.
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