Friday, February 15, 2008


These kittens belong to Dyna, who belongs to my youngest Darling Daughter, Her Excellency of Mousehole, who has "loaned" them to us until she can find an apartment that lets her have pets. Good luck with that one, I'm thinking.

I also loaned my digital camera to Her Excellency and so this picture was taken in the car on the way home and the kittens have already grown in the two days we've had them but obviously, I can't show you that. The Hershey's Syrup box is prophetic, I think--sweet baby kittens.

I also can't show you Dyna; the She Devil Momma Cat who both growls and rubs against my leg when I go in the room where she has the kittens nestled in a closet.

Dyna, the She Devil Momma Cat is a beautiful little cat that hisses, growls and chuffs if Pika or Minkey come anywhere near. She also bring out her claws and chases toward them. Pika usually stands her ground; she is such a gentle cat that she simply cannot understand anyone not wanting to be friends.

Minkey, on the other hand turns tail and runs like a streak of burning cinders. As well he should. Dyna is not to be messed with.

When I come to visit Dyna growls and rubs against my leg all at the same time. She climbs on my lap the minute I sit down and then pushes her head into my hand. She purrs but keeps her eyes on the door at all times and if she hears one tiny sound she growls, hisses and is off my lap and in the closet in a nanosecond.

I'll keep you posted with new pictures as soon as Her Excellency bring the camera home. I know she will because I have five furry hostages.


Cindy Price said...

Awe, they look so sweet, I just want to pet them!!

Tina said...

Ok, that's just wrong. Blogger had a freakout when I just left you a comment. I know this because la comment has vanished. Good thing I came back to check. *Adding ocd to the list of quirks

I was saaaaaying. I am suddenly craving Hershey's syrup. Thanks for that. And you're the cake lady! I KNEW you seemed familiar. Added you to my other reads to I can keep up with your life.

Have a great day! And thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn- those kittens are adorable. THe whole cat thing makes me laugh, although I only have one, she can do such things too!

kari and kijsa said...


Those kittens are so sweet...

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

smiles, kari & kijsa

Kathy said...

Careful, you may turn into the neighborhood 'cat lady'. I'll take the 2 cream ones please. Oops sorry, I live too far away. But they are purrfect!

Anonymous said...

oh, wow. Too cute. If only my dh could be convinced I NEED another kitten...

Beck said...

Aw, babies.

Mental P Mama said...

They are so sweet...I hope thay all find a loving forever home soon.