E--Eggplant Parmigiana from Ottavio's restaurant--69 East Center Street, Provo, Utah. It is truly delicious. I brought half of mine home and told Phil he couldn't eat it. Sorry honey. I'm only selfish with this one thing. And computer time. And...well, let's not talk about it.
F--Farmer's Markets. We went to the Provo one today on 5th West and 1st South--open through October 25th, starting at 9:00 am. There are all kind of vendors, not so much today because it rained all day but I found what I was looking for, which was bell peppers for my chili sauce. We were there three minutes after they opened because I needed to get home and get my tomatoes picked before Conference started at 10:00.
I love farmer's markets. So many lovely people, selling things to make a little cash or as a business. Everyone is friendly and the prices are always great. We bought a tamale from this vendor. It was really good.
These giant peppers were two for a dollar, for the green, and a dollar each for the red. I didn't grow bell peppers and if I did they wouldn't look like this. They'd be pathetically puny peppers.
I chopped all the vegetables and put it all in a turkey roaster and put it on the porch! It had to cook for four plus hours and I decided the neighborhood should smell like chili sauce instead of everything in my house. It rained all day so the neighbors didn't even know it was there.
Bottles, being sterilized. I am grateful for a mom who taught me how to can.
I got seventeen half-pints. It is delicious and looks like liquid jewels.
G--I am grateful for grandchildren. Here are just two of them, eating at Ottavio's tonight. Phil was at Priesthood Conference so Gilmore Girl and I sneaked away for dinner.
We stopped at the grocery store on the way home to buy ice cream and root beer for root beer floats and the store was full of men and young men in suits. Priesthood Conference had just ended--the men watched Priesthood Conference at Stake Centers--and a good lot of them were buying ice cream and root beer!
We didn't start out to eat at Ottavio's but the Heap's parking lot was FULL and so we drove off and one of the grandchildren--that I'm grateful for--wanted to eat where we could hear the accordion player and that was at Ottavios. The accordion player was a delightful gentleman.
My dad played the accordion and Kraut inherited it. I hope he is learning to play* because I could think of nothing nicer for him to do, in honor of Grandpa Rasmussen. And he could have a nice retirement job somewhere, playing for hungry restaurant customers, maybe even in Italy. By the way, President Monson announced today that a new temple will be built in--among other places--Rome, Italy.
*Just in case Kraut reads this--hint, hint, nudge, nudge. I am also grateful for obedient children. Wink, wink.
You do so many AMAZING things! I was just proud of myself because I made dinner today. :)
My life is just not my own, usually.
Your granddaughters just look so happy to be with you!! You are so lucky to live so close to grandkids. I'm just a little bit jealous. Okay, I'm over it already!!
I love the picture of your Dad, I can tell he loves playing the accordion!!
Homemade Chili sauce? Yum! My cute canning jars are made by Weck and the only place I've found them is through the company. (www.weckcanning.com) They are spendy (shipping adds up!), but I've been using mine for four years now. It's not so bad when you consider it that way. Plus they are so dang cute!!!
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