Thursday, March 13, 2008


This is three year old Lego® Boy, who likes ketchup and cheese sandwiches. You wouldn't think he would be afraid of sweet little kittens, would you?

Here is his two year old brother, Taz. Since he's younger maybe he would be afraid of something, like kittens.
Not so.
In fact we had to pry kittens out of his fingers many times. We taught him to be soft and just pet the kitten. This is his petting technique.

This is sweet baby Toves--from the poem,
The Jabberwocky by Louis Carroll--we don't know how she can be considered slithy but perhaps there is something we don't know about slithyness. She is sweet, every one's favorite. She is also the runt. If you pick her up and love her she often purrs.
She climbs up Phil's pants and right up onto his chest to be loved. Sweet Toves. (Phil doesn't usually sit with his legs like this. He has been playing "roll the ball" with Lego® Boy and Taz. But Toves got bored watching the ball roll so he romped over and climbed up the "Phil tree.")

Aah, Toves and William. Sweet babies. Soft. Gentle.

But wait. William has mischief in his soul. He starts out by chewing on Gregory, the bawl baby of the bunch. "Mmm, tasty ear."

See his little ears? When they are back like that they are in the fighting position.

He and Gregory took their disagreement off the steps and onto the chair. Here they are, nose to nose, discussing things. "Watch it buddy."

"Who you calling buddy?"

"Nope, I don't like your attitude so I'll just chew on your toes while hoping you fall off on your head."

Gregory did fall off and he was fine. In fact he was so fine he ran and hid from William.

So William went back to the step and attacked Japhy. "Let me put my foot in yer face."

And look at this, sweet baby Toves, attacking Japhy too. Poor Japhy.

But all this fighting behavior bothers Taz not one bit. In fact he thinks aggressive, naughty kittens are made to be picked up and packed around.

But not Lego® Boy. he got up on the chair, and then up on the arm of the chair, as far away from kittens as he could get.

Later, we were going outside to play and Lego® Boy was only going to go if the kittens stayed inside.

So, what are you afraid of?


Laura ~Peach~ said...

cute kids and babies (kittens are so cute) are you keeping them all? hubby trees are just too cute!
looks lik efun was had by all specially if you took lego boy outside with out kitties !
Grins laura

Unknown said...

All those cats are making my eyes itchy and weepy.

Pam's Place said...

Too, too cute! Best I not come over until they are all gone. (the little people and the kitties) I want one (kitty -- I have my own little people, though I do wish darling daughter would feel about babies like I do about cats - hint, hint). Do they have some Persian ancestry somewhere? The one looks a little like Pika --tho obviously no relation :-)

Sweet pictures, Lynne. Your grands are simply grand -- and darling.

Sayani said...

these are really good ones....full of innocence.thanks for sharing !!!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Pam, come now and pick out your baby. Toves is spoken for and maybe one more, I can't remember. But do come and play with them, at least.

Ekim, you KNOW you are weepy because of your tender heart, not allergies. I'm glad we got this all cleared up.

Colette Amelia said...

I am afraid of not finishing my nuclear waste paper by the! And mice, and birds and spiders.

Anonymous said...

I was actually scared of cats when I was little... I was a wuss.

Now I'm scared of bees. And of losing my camera or breaking it!!

Aliki2006 said...

Look at those kitties! they are so adorable...

Hmmm...I'm afraid of roaches, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Love those kitties and kiddies. Japhy can come live with me!

Kathy said...

How perfect! A houseful of kittens and children. Sweet pictures Lynne, and I love the names you given all, kittens and children!

What I am afraid of.... falling off cliffs, public speaking, driving in BIG cities during rush hour.