Kraut called at about three to tell us we had a new grandson. We all "knew" it was a boy. I don't know how, as they don't find out until the baby is born but we all just felt this one was a boy. They have five boys now and two girls. They lost a little girl when The Soap Queen was 7-8 months pregnant, a perfect little girl and the doctors never could figure out why she died. So, technically they have eight but seven living.
Here are pictures of this new little miracle and some pictures of the other kids.
Taz doesn't realize it yet but he is no longer the baby of the family. Let's just remove that binky, shall we?
(Michael, where are you, with my photography lessons?)
The soap Queen is the Primary President in her ward (Mormon Church--Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). She is a serious "soaper." Her soap is in the Holy Cow Boutique which is in Pleasant Grove, Utah this weekend. She has marvelous friends and family who set her booth up and will keep it stocked. We LOVE her soap.
How does this marvelous woman do it all? I don't know. I spent the day with their wonderfully good children--who ask permission to go play, who help when I asked and I am almost too tired to breathe and I didn't do laundry or any of the normal daily things The Soap Queen does.
How does this marvelous woman do it all? I don't know. I spent the day with their wonderfully good children--who ask permission to go play, who help when I asked and I am almost too tired to breathe and I didn't do laundry or any of the normal daily things The Soap Queen does.
More power to the two of you. Thanks for the gaggle of wonderful grandchildren. We adore them all. The new one is certainly beautiful.
Congratulations on the new grandson! He is beautiful!! I had six children 11 and under. It's fun when they are teenagers!! Michelle is indeed remarkable!! Thanks for sharing your family.
congrats on the darling new grandson! You must be so excited. And I do so love the names you've given the grandkids!
Oh happy day- how fun to have a new grandbaby!
Its just after midnight, and it was a true delight to read about your grandchildren and personal history group. It feels like a really sweet bedtime story. I feel warm and tucked in, ready for bed. Thanks for sharing. I wish I could keep up with my blog as well as you do yours. Its nice meeting another "Lynne"
I'm glad there were no problems with this baby, its so upsetting to hear about the ones that are lost so late in the pregnancy like that. I couldn't imagine taking care of a new baby with so many at home, but then I've only got two so far.
that truly is a beautiful baby! Nice to see so many loved and well cared for kids...lucky family! Lucky grandma!
Ohhh~ Big Congratulations! He is beautiful!
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