We always have an Enrichment in March to commemorate the birth of Relief Society, which was March 17, 1842. This year we decided we needed a good laugh so we held The Ugliest Purse Contest. The women brought their ugly purses, or even their current ones and we voted on the ugliest. I forgot to take a picture of the winner, which I hope to do tomorrow--I will post it on part 2, tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will post a picture of the winning purse and some of the prizes for items in the women's purses. If anyone wants to hold an Ugly Purse Contest I can tell you it was pretty fun.
Here is the song we sang, to the tune of Count Your Many Blessing.
When you go out shopping, with your purse not-full, Do not think of others with their wealth untold.
Count the many quarters that you have to spend, Maybe there’s enough to go to lunch with friends.
Count your purses; name them one by one. Count your receipts; see what you have done.
Count your spare change; add it in your head. You’ll be able to buy milk and jam and bread.
Are you ever burdened with a cluttered purse? Do you think a dust bunny inside’s a curse?
Do you have some needles and a bunch of thread? There’s a cell phone but the bat-ter-y is dead.
You have lotion, photo-graphs (a stack). There’s an ipod, and an empty sack.
Safety pi-ns, Tylenol and pens. If you cannot “hold it” there might be Depends.
You have many lipsticks and coupons galore. Toys and gum and candy that your kids adore.
Crackers. Juice. Granola bars for lunch. Then you’ll need antacids; you might have a bunch.
There’s some products (they are fem-i-none). Comb, a hairbrush, to-do lists (undone).Are you fee-ling, bad about your purse? Look around your table, there’s a purse that’s worse!
This was three verses--with chorus--and I think that was one verse too long and no, I cannot possibly divulge the author of the words. She would have to leave town with a bag over her head.
We had a wonderful food committee, set-up and clean-up committee and our Enrichment Leaders were absolutely wonderful. It was a great evening. Part 2 tomorrow, hopefully.
OK did I read wrong or were all those beautiful items on the dinner table? Good thing I wasn't there or they would be encrusted with drippings and splotches of food.
Looks so much more fun than eating a slice of pizza in the school cafeteria and talking about the federal budget!
Remember, you can't make a sow's ear out of an ugly purse.
count ur purses is great. have u written it? so funny and so true.
What a great idea for an Enrichment night dinner. The table decorations are totally beautiful! I can't wait to see the recipe for Diet Pepsi Chicken! And last but not least, I love the Count Your Purses song! Very funny. Thanks for sharing.
Caffeine free diet pepsi, right? Our enrichement is next week, the them is "Hats off". I'm on the committee, but I'm not exactly sure how we're decorating yet. Probably something similar with the hats!
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