Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today, Phil was sound asleep in the chair when the doorbell rang. Kramer, of course exploded with barks. The doorbell and Kramer's barking woke Phil with a start. When he got to the door there was a pretty, blond woman holding flowers. For me! She said she loved my blog. Can you imagine that? Phil thinks he knows who it was but wasn't sure because of his "barked-awakness-stupor." I've got to do some investigation so I can tell her thanks. Until then, it's a mystery.

What woman doesn't want flowers? They are so beautiful! Thanks to my anonymous flower giver. All of a sudden there is an ax in my living room. Why? It's a mystery. I asked Phil and he just looked mysterious.
Why is the potpourri on the piano? It's a mystery. Oh, yes, I remember now. Kramer scatters it all over the place. Why he does this is a mystery.
Why is my fingernail stuff all around the computer monitor? It's a mystery. I think it's my attempt to multi-task.
Why is it that it takes all day to eat one grapefruit and only a few minutes to eat a piece of cake--Costco chocolate cake? It's a mystery.
And why are my Christmas dishes still out in February? It's a mystery. The word procrastination comes to mind but I'm claiming mysteriousness instead. Who doesn't want to be mysterious?


Bonnie said...

Your blog is fantastic and that is not a mystery! I hope you find out who the deliverer of the flowers is, You certainly deserve the flowers and more.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post, an interesting read, and remind sme I still havent taken out christmas tree down yet , Oops maybe this weekend :)

Pam's Place said...

The axe would worry me. I doubt that Kramer dragged it out.

Shawn said...

Such a day of mysteries!

I had lots of mysteries this week---- 28 of my tickets to my show disappeared from the ticket box, then someone had turned up the heat in the theatre, and there was a mysterious "X" on the side of the chalkboard that my hubby had made for the play---I think that I have a goblin in my theatre....

(cue the scary music)

Annette said...

I'm just laughing. I just finished posting my blog about a mystery, and then came to see yours, and it is about mysteries. Is there something in the air or are we just on the same wavelength?!

Just a note: If anyone deserves flowers, it is you.

Unknown said...

You are just one mystery. For instance, it is a mystery why you have not grabbed Phil and joined us in South America.

Pam said...

Forget what I said about the popcorn. The flowers are MUCH nicer. Thoughtfulness is her middle name; maybe even her first name. You are lucky.

Unknown said...

it looks like you painted your grapefruit with fingernail polish. don't multitask too much. Looks like I've really been missing out, not looking at your blog this week. But this way I get a huge serving of blog goodness all at once!